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Ear Infections in Cats

Have you noticed gunk in your cat's ears that looks like coffee grinds? Perhaps your kitty's ears are red and irritated. In this post, our St. Louis vets discuss the signs and causes of ear infections in cats, treatment options, and tips for prevention.

What are ear infections in cats?

An ear infection can be classified as otitis externa (outer ear), otitis media (middle ear), or otitis internal (inner ear). One or both ears can become infected. 

Ear infections cause inflammation (swelling), resulting in the ear flap turning red. This inflammation may have occurred recently (acute) or be more chronic (long-standing). Otitis externa is a common condition in cats, less common in dogs, and can be caused by a variety of factors. 

What are the signs of ear infection in cats?

If your cat is repeatedly shaking their head, pawing at their ear, and looking generally uncomfortable, they may have an ear infection. Other signs that your cat may have an ear infection include:

  • Hearing loss
  • Ear discharge (yellow or black, resembling coffee grounds)
  • Head tilting
  • Swelling or redness in the ear canal 
  • Thick hair or fur in the ear canal 
  • Waxy buildup in or on the canal 
  • Strong odor coming from the ear canal 
  • Disorientation 
  • Loss of balance 
  • Swelling or redness of the ear flap. 

What causes ear infections in cats?

Ear mite infestation is the most common cause of outer ear infections in cats. Ear mites can easily spread between pets and should be treated quickly to help prevent the condition from worsening and to stop the spread of this problematic parasite. 

If your feline friend suffers from a weak immune system, diabetes, allergies, or other health problems, they will be more susceptible to ear infections than cats that are in better overall health. 

Here is the list of some of the most common causes of outer and middle ear infections in cats:

  • Immune system diseases (FLV or FIV)
  • Irritants in the environment
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Allergies (pollen, food, etc).
  • Wax buildup within the ear
  • A foreign body lodged in the ear canal
  • Thick fur or hair in the ear canal
  • Excessive growth of bacteria, yeast, or both
  • Polyps or tumors in the ear canal
  • Incorrect ear cleaning
  • Ruptured eardrum
  • Diabetes mellitus

How the Anatomy of a Cat's Ear Leaves Them at Risk for Infection

A cat's ear is divided into three main sections:

  • The outer ear 
  • The middle ear 
  • The inner ear 

The eardrum is the barrier between the outer ear canal and the middle and inner ear. It houses extremely sensitive structures that play a role in hearing and balance. Chronic and severe outer ear infections in cats may eventually spread to the middle or inner ear. 

A cat's outer ear includes the pinna, or the cartilaginous triangle part of the ear that's covered by the skin, and the external ear canal. Sound waves go through the funnel-shaped pinna into the ear, down the ear canal, and into the parts of the ear that process sounds.

Cats have very sensitive hearing, partly due to the fact that their ear canal is larger than a person's. This deeper ear canal enables better processing of sound. However, more dirt and wax may accumulate inside a deeper ear canal, which can contribute to irritation and infection. 

The ear canal is also lined by skin and has varying degrees of hair. The deep part of this canal is a moist, dark environment where yeast and bacteria can thrive, which can lead to infection in a cat's ear. This lining can also become irritated, leading to inflammation. 

If you suspect your four-legged friend has an ear infection, it is important to seek veterinary care as quickly as possible to identify the cause of your cat's sore ear and to prevent the infection from becoming more severe. In cases of chronic ear infections, and if there's an excess of waxy buildup in the ear canal, it's also best to see a vet. 

Left untreated, ear infections in cats can lead to hearing loss and ongoing discomfort for your cat. 

Is my cat's ear infection an emergency?

Ear infections in cats are not always veterinary emergencies. However, if the infection is severe or your cat is displaying additional signs and symptoms like fever, lethargy, or loss of balance and coordination, you should take your cat to an emergency veterinarian immediately.

How will a vet diagnose my cat's ear issue?

A vet will use a special device called an otoscope to look into your cat's ear canal, then take a sample of ear debris to examine under a microscope so they can determine whether yeast, bacteria, or ear mites are causing the issue. 

If you take your cat to your primary vet for routine exams, your vet may be able to detect early signs of ear infection before they develop into long-term problems or an emergency. 

How are cat ear infections treated?

The question of how to treat ear infections in cats typically has a straightforward answer. Your vet may need to clip the fur around the cat’s ear canal to help keep it clean and dry.

Bacterial ear infections, ear yeast infections, or ear mites in cats may be treated with corticosteroids, antifungals, antibiotics, or anti-parasitics in ear drop form.

If your cat has a middle or inner ear infection or long-term inflammation, treatment options may include oral or injectable drugs. In rare cases, surgery will be necessary to correct the problem and remove swollen tissue that has blocked or narrowed the ear canal.

At-home treatment for your kitty's ear infection involves monitoring the condition of your cat's ears to check that the interior of the ear flap is clean and that the canal is clear. If your vet has prescribed ear drops, gently lift the ear flap, then squeeze the solution into the ear canal, massaging the base of the ear to help the medicine work its way into the ear canal.

It is critical to treat ear infections only with products approved or prescribed by a veterinarian. Home remedies such as vinegar or hydrogen peroxide can damage the eardrum, causing further irritation without resolving the infection. Additionally, cats have a nerve that's situated very close to the ear canal that can be irritated by any fluids administered to the ear. This can cause facial paralysis. 

Early treatment of infections is essential to avoid increasing severity of the infection that could lead to recurring, chronic ear infections in cats or even facial paralysis and hearing loss.

How long do ear infections in cats last?

With early diagnosis and proper care, your cat's ear infection should clear up in one to two weeks. Be sure to follow your vet's instructions for the best possible outcome. 

Are chronic ear infections in cats possible?

Is your kitty suffering from chronic ear infections? Chronic ear issues can be caused by growths, allergies, parasites, and more. If you find your cat has a long-lasting or recurring ear infection that’s making their ears itchy or painful, discuss this with your vet, as they may be able to prescribe a medication to help reduce tissue swelling inside the canal.

How can I prevent my cat from getting an ear infection?

The best way to prevent your kitty from developing a painful ear infection is to regularly check your feline friend's ears to ensure there’s no odor, residue, redness, swelling or other symptoms. Have any issues treated before they worsen, and ask your veterinarian to show you how to correctly clean your cat’s ears, or bring them in for regular cleanings.

Unless your vet instructs you to do so, do not insert cleaning devices into your cat’s ear canal.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your cat displaying concerning signs of severe ear infection like fever, lethargy, or loss of balance? Contact our St. Louis vets immediately to arrange emergency care.

Compassionate Emergency Care for Pets

Animal Emergency Clinic is an after-hours emergency animal hospital providing urgent care to cats and dogs from St. Louis and surrounding areas. Contact us right away if you are experiencing a veterinary emergency.

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